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Randevu Süreci

Step 1

Contact Us

The first step in the appointment process is to contact us. We have several ways you can reach us, including WhatsApp, web form, email, Facebook, and Instagram. Our patient coordinators are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have and assist you in scheduling your appointment.

Step 2

Submit Your Details

Once you have contacted us, you will need to provide us with some information to help us plan your dental treatment. You should send us photos of your teeth, as well as any X-rays or dental plans you may have from your dentist. Our patient coordinators will also need details about your current dental situation so that we can understand your needs better.

Step 3

Discuss Your Personalized Dental Treatment Options

Our specialists will then discuss your personalized dental treatment options with you. During this stage, you will receive a dental quote based on the information you have provided. It's important to keep in mind that the quote you receive during this stage is just an estimate, and the most accurate planning and pricing will be revealed after the examination by our specialists in our clinic.

Step 4

Plan Your Dental Trip

Once you have decided on your dental treatment, you can start planning your dental trip. Our patient coordinators will assist you in booking your hotel, flight, and transfers. We understand that planning a dental trip can be overwhelming, so our team is here to help you every step of the way.

Step 5

Airport Pick-Up and Clinic Transfer

We will arrange your transfers from the airport to your hotel and from your hotel to the clinic and back on every appointment. You don't have to worry about anything; just sit back and relax, and we will take care of the rest.

Step 6

Treatment Process in Our Clinic

Once you arrive at our clinic, we will begin your dental treatment. Generally, it takes only 3-4 visits over 5 days for you to get your new Hollywood smile. Our specialists use the latest technology and techniques to provide you with the best possible results.

Step 7

Enjoy Your Dental Holidays and Stay in Kusadasi

Kusadasi is a beautiful city, and we want you to enjoy your dental holidays to the fullest. During your stay, you can explore the city, relax on the beach, and enjoy the local cuisine. Let us turn your dental treatment into an unforgettable experience.

Step 8

Return Home with a Beautiful Smile

We will always be here for your aftercare and dental advice. Your new smile is our top priority, and we want to ensure you are happy with the results. Whether you have questions or concerns, our team is here to help.

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